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Share Your Kruger Experience

Sharing stories, images and memories is one of the great parts of travel.  It keeps us in touch with the people we met on our journeys and inspires others to make their own adventures.  Developing and maintaining the community of wildlife lovers that we've met through KrugerExplorer is also very important to us.


The Share part of KrugerExplorer helps App users achieve exactly that via online communities and places where you can share your images, videos, stories and memories with other like-minded people around the world.  We hope you will share your experiences of Kruger National Park with us and our thousands of community members via the following platforms:

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  • Facebook Social Icon

The KrugerExplorer Blog: check out our very best experiences, stories and photos of Kruger National Park, plus we feature some brilliant guest writers!  Add your email address below for regular updates.

Instagram: join more than 70,000 other Kruger fans and follow @krugerexplorer for daily posts of outstanding images and stories from Kruger National Park.  Scroll down on this page for our Instagram feed too.

Facebook: join over 30,000 other Kruger fans on the KrugerExplorer page and get involved on our The Kruger Explorers group for amazing photography and stories from the park.

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Keep in touch!

We're fortunate to have over 100,000 followers on our Blog, Instagram and Facebook pages and we would be delighted if you joined our Kruger community too! 


Simply add your email here to get occasional updates about the KrugerExplorer App, our blog posts and all things Kruger National Park.

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